Pavel Bureš

JUDr. Pavel Bureš, PhD., D.E.A, is senior lecturer teaching in several courses with the focus on Public international law: general international law, international human rights law, diplomatic and consular law, international investment law and international economic law.


Education and professional experience

Pavel studied law (Masters´ in Law) in Olomouc. In 2006, he was awarded French government scholarship for one-year post-gradual studies on Public international law in Paris (Paris 2, Panthéon-Assas). In 2011, he completed his PhD with a thesis on human rights during international criminal procedure at the Charles University in Prague. Pavel was invited as a speaker at various universities (Versailles, Sheffield, Katowice) or as an Council of Europe expert to Albania for judicial clerk training.

For more than six years, Pavel was charged of international relations at the Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc where he built up a Law-in-English module, a forerunner of Master in International and European Law.

Research fields and expertise

Pavel´s research focus mainly on general international law, human rights and theory of human rights, international procedure, position of individuals in international law, international investment law.

Pavel is a member of the Czech Society of International Law, member of the European Society of International Law. He is an External member of Centre de recherche VIP de la Faculté de droit et de science politique de l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines.

Main publications

BUREŠ, Pavel. La lutte contre le terrorisme en République tchèque sous l’influence du droit de l’Union européenne et du droit international. In: Saulnier-Cassia, Emmanuelle (ed.) La lutte contre le terrorisme dans le droit et la jurisprudence de l´Union Européenne. LGDJ 2014., pp. 473-476.

BUREŠ, Pavel. To Have or Not To Have a Special Tribunal for Somali Pirates? An International Response to National Failure. In: Czech yearbook of public & private international law,2011, vol. 2,  pp,189-199.

BUREŠ, Pavel and SAULNIER-CASSIA, Emmanuelle. Divergences autour du principe d’égalité des citoyens nationaux et européens entre la Cour constitutionnelle tchèque et la CJUE. In: Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, vol. 3/2013, pp .164-167.

DAVID, Vladislav, BUREŠ, Pavel, FAIX, Martin, SLADKÝ, Pavel, SVAČEK, Ondřej. Mezinárodní právo veřejné s kazuistikou (Public International Law with Cases). 2. ed. Praha: Leges, 2011. 448 p.

BUREŠ, Pavel. Evropský konsensus v judikatorní praxi Evropského soudu pro lidská práva (European Consensus in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights). In: Šturma, P., Faix, M. (eds.) Lidskoprávní dimenze mezinárodního práva, 2014. pp. 75-86.

BUREŠ, Pavel. What is not right in Human Rights Protection? Few reflections on some European Court of Human Rights judgements. In: Czech yearbook of public & private international law,2014, vol. 5,  pp, 243-253.