The Master’s programme International and European Law taught in English at the Olomouc Law Faculty has new graduates. Arlette Mireille Kanga Ndjel and Jingwa Anastasia Fohba, students from Cameroon, and Hisham Alsarraj, a Palestinian, received their diplomas from the faculty representatives.
The two-year International and European Law full-time study programme is aimed at deepening the knowledge of legal specialisation in the field of international and European law with an emphasis on the political science element, particularly in the context of integration processes in the European region. “I am very excited about the additional graduates we are sending out into the world. In a way, they represent us. I wish them every success, both personally and professionally. At the same time, I hope that they will be aware of their part of responsibility in dealing with global challenges, which they have assumed by graduating from a programme focused on transnational legal frameworks,” said Martin Faix, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Language Programmes.
All three fresh Masters agreed that graduation was a significant milestone in their lives and the result of hard work, determination and perseverance. “We delved into complex legal frameworks, analysed landmark cases and discussed the fundamental issues of today’s legal world. We are equipped with the knowledge and competencies needed to navigate and find solutions to global legal problems. With our diplomas, we also take on a certain responsibility,” said Arlette Mireille Kanga Ndjel, highlighting the “non-academic” part of the studies. “It was also about building interpersonal relationships and learning about new cultures. We learned to work with colleagues from different disciplines, different countries. We shared ideas and perspectives that broadened our horizons significantly.”
Hisham Alsarraj admitted that the years spent in Olomouc were amazing. “I was very happy here. I was impressed by Olomouc, the university and the Faculty of Law. I highly recommend studying there.” He is already working in Prague as a lawyer for the international company Honeywell. “The Czech Republic is my future, I want to stay here. I am already learning Czech and I am looking forward to professional challenges. Experience shows that I am well prepared for them thanks to the Faculty of Law in Olomouc,” added Hisham Alsarraj.
Graduates of the International and European Law programme find employment primarily in central government bodies, international organisations, European Union institutions, and private and non-profit sectors, where specialised knowledge of international and European law, the implementation and transformation processes of these branches of law into the national legal order and political overlaps in these disciplines are needed.